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All posts by Jesús Porras

Home Articles posted by Jesús Porras (Page 2)

Why Are Hospitals White?

Ever noticed how most hospitals have that clean, bright white look on their walls and equipment? It’s no coincidence. The use of white in hospitals is a deliberate choice for both practical and psychological reasons, benefiting patients and staff alike. In short, the white color in hospitals i...

Como curar uma gripe

Pegar uma gripe nunca é divertido, mas, embora não haja uma cura instantânea, existem maneiras de aliviar os sintomas e se recuperar mais rápido. Aqui vão algumas dicas simples para ajudar: Lembre-se, uma gripe geralmente dura de uma semana a dez dias. Se os sintomas não melhorarem ou piorarem...

How to Cure a Cold

Catching a cold is never fun, and while there’s no instant cure, there are ways to ease the symptoms and recover faster. Here are some basic tips to help you get through it: Remember, a cold typically lasts about a week to ten days. If symptoms don’t improve or get worse, it’s best to cons...

Cómo se cura una gripe

La gripe es una infección viral que no tiene cura mágica, pero con algunos cuidados puedes aliviar los síntomas y acelerar la recuperación. Aquí te doy algunos pasos básicos para sobrellevarla de la mejor manera posible: Recuerda que la gripe suele durar entre una semana y diez días. Si los s...

How to Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Losing weight in a healthy way isn’t a sprint; it’s more like a marathon. It’s all about making changes in your lifestyle that you can stick with over time, without extreme diets or impossible sacrifices. Here are some tips to help you achieve healthy weight loss: Losing weight healthily takes...

Cómo adelgazar de forma sana

Adelgazar de forma sana no es una carrera de velocidad, es más bien una maratón. Se trata de hacer cambios en tu estilo de vida que puedas mantener en el tiempo, sin dietas extremas ni sacrificios imposibles. Aquí te dejo algunos consejos para que logres perder peso de manera saludable: Adelgazar...
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