The common cold is something we’ve all had at some point. It’s not serious, but it sure is annoying. Although it’s easy to identify, sometimes we wonder if what we have is just a cold or something more. Here, I’ll break down the symptoms of a cold so you know what to look out for.

1. Stuffy nose

This is the classic, right? You start feeling like you can’t breathe properly, your nose is runny, and you need tissues all the time. A stuffy nose is one of the first symptoms to show up and one of the most annoying.

2. Sneezing

When you start sneezing non-stop, you know the cold has arrived. Sometimes it’s just a few sneezes here and there, but other times it hits you all at once and leaves you feeling dizzy. It’s a clear sign your body is fighting off the virus.

3. Sore throat

That scratchy or sore feeling in your throat is another common symptom. It’s not as painful as a more serious infection, but it’s there, reminding you that you’ve caught a cold. It hurts when you swallow, and your voice might get a bit raspy.

4. Cough

Not every cold comes with a cough, but when it does, it’s usually mild. It’s more of a dry cough that just bothers you, without much phlegm, and it tends to pop up at the worst times.

5. Low fever or general malaise

Unlike the flu, with a cold, the fever isn’t high. If you do get one, it’s usually low. If not, you might just feel that general sense of being unwell. That tiredness that makes you want to rest and do nothing.

6. Mild headache

While colds aren’t known for causing big headaches, you might feel a slight discomfort. It’s more like a feeling of heaviness or pressure on your forehead, especially when you’re really congested.

7. Slight loss of taste and smell

This isn’t just a COVID thing. With a cold, because of the nasal congestion, it’s normal to lose a bit of your sense of smell and for things to taste a little off. Don’t worry, it goes back to normal once your nose clears up.